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Ap Us History Enduring Vision Edition 7 Chapter 24 Quizlet

No upcoming assignments.



 Remember to review the tests on Cengage!!

There will be 5 tests out of the posted chapters.

  • Multiple choice exam; online CENGAGE
  • 7, 8, 9
  • 22
  • 36, 37
  • 39-42



 For the FINAL....optional if you took the AP exam.  It will only be counted into your grade if you improve your average.  If you have an don't need to take the test!!

  • Chapters to Review for FINAL EXAM
  • Use your NOTEBOOKS!!  You may also practice using CENGAGE!!  (Hint, hint)
  • Multiple choice exam; online
  • 7, 8, 9
  • 22
  • 36, 37
  • 39-42



Review the directions for the project on the blog.  This is due at the end of next week and we will begin presentations on following Monday.

If you have your best and see me on Monday!!  Have a great wkend!



HEY APUSHERS!!  You have chosen your topic.

You need to create a point of view or thesis.  Not just provide information.  You must also involve your audience (debate, take a stand, procon, take a poll, 4 corners discussion, drawing, etc.)

For Thursday, each member must bring 5-8 articles/resources to share on your topic which will provide pro and con information.  You should each write out 2 possible theses that you will share.  You will have time in class to work together using computers and phones.  I will also go over more info about the rubric and presentation formats.

ps.  Doing your HW/research is part of the points/rubric for your project.

HAppy Trails!



Student Led Seminars/APUSH

lesson plan organizer for final project;

follow this planner

Research is due on Tuesday; planner is due on Thursday for approval; presentations will begin on Friday if your lesson was approved.

  • LESSON PLAN OUTLINEsample.docx



  • SEE THE PRINCETON REVIEW, buy or borrow, share:
  • p.59-68: List the models, topics, ideas you must know according to Princeton
  • and 100-117
  • Read one Essay: Read the example essay / 118
  • Review the prompt, the outline, the essay. (oops, they didn't label by A and B in the essay!!)
  • Finish YOUR responses from todays prompt:

Tomorrow we will score some student essays from last year to see what is good, bad, and ugly!  You can find the prompt from 2011 at:

ConTINUE your conTENt REVieW!!!



  • Review all rubrics: Write them out
  • Review writing tips online or test prep
  • Review periods sheet: Again, check for understanding; this is your bottom line information!!
  • Test yourself: Write out the dates/periods/events/etc.
  • Do you know presidents/supreme court cases? Check, Learn.
  • Take practice test:
  • Use practice test to learn 5+ answers you didn't know








See your calendar!

Your period review!

TAKE A PRACTICE TEST or part of it.  Find 5 topics you don't know well.  Learn them and be confident you will now be able to answer on the test!!

We will do this tomorrow as well....5 more will mean a total of TEN possible, additional points for you!!!



  • GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WORK THIS WEEKEND!!  STUDY...then play...then STUDY some more!!
  • You need to study twice each day this weekend; two hours in the morning; two in the afternoon.  NOW we are in 'do or die' mode!!  Pick up the pace.  For those of you who have not been studying as much you have the opportunity to ''step up" and get in this game!!   Remember about 60% will get you a 3!!  Plus good written responses.
  • WRITING: For the FRQ I have attached a list of past questions and from chapters 4-42
  • FRQ: DBQ, LEQ, and Short Answer
  • Go through as many of the above past questions as you can. Read the questions and list the information you know about the topic; information that would answer the prompt!!
  • ….and go to the AP website to review past questions and the student answers.
  • What resources will you use? In addition to what you have planned…
  • I would:
  1. review the GL Timeline

2.Watch Apush Review segments on each Period (take needed notes);

3.Watch Apush Review segments on Supreme Court cases;  Presidents

4.Use Quizlet to test my knowledge.  There are Study sets.

5.Apush Review Review sheets are on Adam Norris site;





Quiz tomorrow on Supreme Court Cases I listed; and any we watched on APUSH

I suggest you review the cases and then play a matching game on quizlet  to review.




APHUG Rocks!~

some of you asked about the review videos for each chapter:  Stick to your planner.

Perhaps review a chapter you feel needs a fresh look.

Acronym Review Tomorrow!!!  List, study, find matching game on Quizlet!

  • Review sites: this is a helpful power point by chapter https ://





For Friday:  Bring in your notebook.  I will be checking

Ch 38-41.  I will look at your notes, your workbook results, assigned homework, and you calendar for the ap exam.  100 points.

You may choose to just bring in those chapters from your binder.

Complete all work for Ch. 40-41. You will take a test from the workbook, multiple choice, on Ch. 38-41.

Ch. 42 will be due on Monday.

This was assigned two days use this time to study for the exam.

There are many resources.  I have listed several.  Choose 3 or 4 resources and work with them!  Tomorrow you will be sharing your links and resources with one another while I check notebooks.  Please list your links, websites, etc.

Next week I will stay after school almost every day.  I will help you with anything you wish.  And....we will play Jeopardy in teams!! Fun!!??  I will share my schedule with you.

We will have a MOCK Ap exam on Tuesday after school.  You will begin promptly at 3:15.  This a mandatory. We will not have the time to complete in class.   You will assess yourself by evaluating the results.



Thurs and Fri we will be reviewing Ch. 39-41 in class.

I already told you to prepare Ch. 39

Complete the workbook for Ch 39-40    A, B

Answer ch 39.  Applying 1,2,3,7

For Thursday

Answer Ch 40: Applying  1,3,6, 7

Complete workbook A, B

Ch 41  Make sure you completed your notes.

We will review big issues in small groups

Complete workbook A,B

You will read Ch. 42 over the weekend.  This is a must because the text goes into the 21st century and the wars and terrorism.

Take notes.

Review the chapter by complete A, B in the workbook.

There are several interesting Applying questions for 42.  1,2,3

These are all questions that will possibly be integrated into the DBQ, LEQ or short answer questions.

Make sure you begin your REVIEW for the EXAM.  If you don't know how to begin then ask a friend!  or, start with the APUSH Review videos and annotate your notes while you watch.  These videos cover the Periods.

Check GL timeline for each period you watch/review.

The American Pageant videos by Vox cover each chapter w powerpoints.

Thats a start!!  I asked you to review a Period during each day of the spring  break.

If you did....that's fantastic...if not...its not too late!!  Yet!!



If you didn't do last nights HW, please do.  I will be checking your HW w a stamp again.  Why? Because it is an external motivation to keep your notebook grade up, or, so it doesn't pull down your grade.

We will continue with Watergate in class tomorrow.

Complete the workbook for Ch 39-40    A, B

Answer ch 39.  Applying 1,2,3,7

For Thursday

Answer Ch 40: Applying  1,3,6, 7



We will review Ch. 39, 40, 41 in class this week.

Tomorrow we will focus on Ch 39; and the Watergate Scandal

Go to Gilder Lehrman;  review the timeline for the 70's in Per 8.

Find 2 relevant primary documents that will help you understand one of the sections in chapter 39.  We will JIG SAW these topics and you will contribute

to our understanding from the primary sources in Gilder Lehrman.  Choose 2; one for any two of the following:

  • Ch. 39, Vietnamization of the War;
  • Détente w Russia and China
  • Liberal supreme Court Rulings
  • Home Front + and –
  • War Powers Act
  • Watergate
  • Seventies/Black and White issues
  • The Feminists

Make sure you have read and complete ch. 39

We will be discussing WATERGATe together.  YOu must read the following 2 articles and complete.

To prepare for this read the attached files.

and complete this handout.

Also, watch APUSH review on this chapter.

This is all I will assign for our current work.

YOU NEED to complete your planning for your AP STUDY PLAN.  Please see my assignment for last weekend.  Make sure you have created a starter plan; choose which resources you want to use, etc.

I want to see your calendar, your resources you will use etc.  You will get HW credit this week for showing me a comprehensive plan:  50 points.




1. Marbury v. Madison

2. McCulloch v. Maryland

3. Gibbons v. Ogden

4. Dred Scott v. Sandford

5. Plessy v. Ferguson

6. Brown v. Board of Education

7. Korematsu v. US

8. Regents of UC v. Bakke

9. Engel v. Vitale

10. Abington v. Schempp –no mandated prayer in school

11. Mapp v. Ohio

12. Gideon v. Wainright

13. Miranda v. Arizona

14. Texas v. Johnson

15. Schenk v. US

16. Tinker v. Des Moines

17. New Jersey v. TLO –search of students case; rights and rules about

18. US v. Nixon

19. Grutter v. Bollinge

MOST IMPORTANT PRESIDENTS.  This list includes presidents involved in important events in American History, etc.

  • Presidents 1-7
  • Jackson
  • McKinley
  • Polk
  • Lincoln
  • Andrew Johnson
  • T r\Roosevelt
  • Woodrow Wilson
  • FDR
  • Truman
  • Eisenhower
  • JFK
  • LBJ
  • Nixon
  • Carter
  • Bush
  • Clinton
  • Bush
  • Obama





  • Dear ApuSHers!  Get started early on this...Saturday morning.  Schedule time daily.  Two sessions of 1-2 hrs.  or one session of 3 hours.  Its up to you.  But you want to feel confident that when you get back from the break you know this material fairly well....
  • 1. Complete the reading and notes through Ch. 42. Do this Saturday and Sunday so you can begin your review on
  • Sunday night. If you start Sunday night, you will start your calendar and you can develop a good habit around your review.
  • 2. This will complete Period 8. Make a ONE PAGER to add to your binder.  This will help you visualize/summarize this period.
  • 3. Make your Calendar.
  • Start your Review.
  • 4. Suggestions
  • Period by Period: Review one Period each day; Monday-Sun!!
  • Review your notebook and skim through the chapter. This will help you recognize and recall important topics.
  • Then, Watch APUSH Review or American Pageant review video. This will help you visualize and relearn.
  • The Timelines from Gilder Lehrman will also be a great review tool.
  • Take Chapter or Period practice tests from your AP Prep book or go online at
  • College Board or the other sites I listed for you on the other assignment pages.
  • The Prep book is a vital tool.
  • How you decide to study is up to you. Follow your Calendar. Worship your Calendar. Abide by your Calendar and you will be rewarded in the great AP Afterlife.
  • These are suggestions only. You and only you can determine the best approach for you.
  • I will add some suggestions later in the week!  Start your study engines!
  • Congrats to Mice in Suits!




VIEWPoint : Read 936-37

  • Neg or Positive: List the Events in two columns from the reading; then go back through the chapter and add to your list.
  • Write a Thesis Statement based upon your list. Be ready to rumble tomorrow on this one!

Make sure you have completed ch 38.

Answer Applying for Ch 38 on p. 350

Questions 2, 3, 4, 6

I think any of these questions could be good leq questions on an exam!

We will discuss leq tomorrow and your responsibilities over the break.  You should have a special study calendar for the spring break, and up until the AP exam May 5th.

It should be a visual map you keep on your desk or notebook.  You will list your

work, your goals, times for study, etc.

I suggest you look ahead and skim through ch. 39 and 40 so you can see what you will be learning about the 70s and 80s.  (the 70s had better music!)



  • Complete ch 38
  • You complete half last night.  Take notes.  I will check.  We will use your discussion questions from yesterday from the workbook to understand the events of the Cold War.
  • Watch the first hour of:  The Sixties: The years that shaped a generation
  • This will better inform you about Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement

We are in Period 8!!  Make sure you have a cover page for Per 7.  I will check.

Keep up the good work....we will make your hard work pay off by passing the

AP exam!!



Be prepared to discuss the  questions from Chapter 36.

Choose 3 questions in Applying Ch. 37 that you would like to discuss in class.  Answer each question!  YOU WILL SHARE your answer with the class.

Now....Ch. 38  REad first half of chapter, 909-918.

Take your own notes on Rumblings in Europe/Berlin Wall, Vietnam, Civil Rights, Kennedy Assassination

Also, peruse these websites.  How can they help you prepare for the AP exam?

Write bullet points for use of each resource

Keep up!! It will be easier for you to study for the exam after spring Break!!



  • LISTS for STUDY: DO TONIGHT:  Review the following for AP exam
  • http://

Review the following sections in Ch 36;  Annotate your work!!

Yalta, Us and Soviet Untion, the UN, problem of Germany (justice, zones)

Cold War good vs. evil, America rearms

  • Answer: CH. 36 APPLY Questions for  Discussion  1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Now:  Preview ch 37; skim through it.  Choose two sections

Choose two sections to read completely.  Be ready to teach a section to the class. Mc Carthy , Finding Communists, Segregation and Civil Rights movement, Eisenhower and Operation Wetback, Vietnam part 1,  Round two/Sputnik, Kennedy and Castro



  • Reading Assignment: Ch. 36; the Cold War
  • Take notes; this is a new Period. Make sure you have a good cover page for per. 7
  • Answer A and B in workbook to check your understanding
  • Watch 3 episodes of Crash Course; Take notes on each episode and add this 'outside' information to your CH. 36 notes. Highlight I your notes as I will ask you to share what you gleaned from each episode.  I will check tomorrow..

1.Cold war

2.Cold War:  US vs. USSR

3.Cold War in Asia.

Watch Apush Review Video for Chapter 36;  take notes and add to your notes on 36

Period 8 Gilder Lehrman;  Documents:  Read Physicist Predict Nuclear Race

Answer:  In what ways would the nuclear weapon impact the Cold War.?  What is the context for this document (both before and after the nuclear bomb was developed).

HANG IN THERE!!!  We have more to do, but look how much you have already

accomplished!!  Bravo!



Complete worksheets on Pearl Harbor.  Be ready to discuss/contribute to class.

Complete reading and notes for Chapter 35.  This is important information on WW2.

next week we will address the dilemma:  Should President Roosevelt have dropped the atomic bombs on Japan?  Was it a crime against humanity?  Or, was it a military necessity?

We will work in small groups to discuss each of the sections in the rest of the chapter....except for the sections related to the elections of Roosevelt..


Home Front

Japan/battles/attack on Tokyo

Halting Hitler

D Day:  You will watch parts of Saving Private Ryan at home (TBD)

End of HItler

End of Japan/Hiroshima

Allies Win!

You will use your notes in study groups.  Be prepared!!  Its a lot of intense




Complete the assignment on Korematsu.

Complete all work for Ch. 34;

Make sure you read about the Holocaust on 808-809

CH. 35 821-31

REad and complete notes

make sure you can discuss;  Shock of war, the War Machine and man/woman powier;  migrations; segregation in the army;  zoot suit riots, Navajo code talkers,

Did the Japanese Americans fight in the war? why? How were they distinquished?

Reflect on the African american soldiers as well.



Read 'the workplace p. 691

Take notes.

What percentage of women in America are executives/managers?  In Japan?

List 5 characteristics of the Japanese workplace.



Complete reading for Chapter 34

Review by complete notebook AB

Questions;  6 and 8

Now read p. 621-25 about the War, the Internment, and the Japanese in California

Tomorrow we will share the Say Mean Matter:  Japanese internment

Wednesday....comparing the attack scene in  the movie, Pearl Harbor, with historical sources.

6 more chapters to go....!!  We will read through ch 41.



We are moving along!!  So.....we will launch into WW2.  CH. 34 continues on Ch. 35!

Its a long chapter, 28 pages so we will break it into two assignments.  We will also

be doing an activity on Pearl Harbor on Monday.  And an activity on dropping the Atomic Bomb.  Be prepared!

Read. p 821-834

Please take notes, etc.

Also, watch the APUSH video for CH. 35 as it covers the war.  This will be helpful.

On Gilder Lerhman

Japan declares war

civil defense

Japanese internment:  Write out a SAY MEAN MATTER; do some additional research to make it meaningful as this is a very controversial topic.

Go to:  History Now in Gilder Lehrman and read the short essay

Read Korematsu v US

Take notes on the internment and the court case.  You should know this case.

If you can...find a good short documentary on the japanese internment that we can watch in class.



Finish reading and taking notes for Ch. 34

Finish watching the AP Review video (american pageant)  for Ch. 34

Answer q. AB in your workbook to check what you know....

Review both the DBQ and LEQ rubrics

I have checked your short essays.  Most were very good.  We will check the

ch 30-33 questions.



Review Ch 33.  How did FDR try to 'pack the courts'?  Why did he try to do so?

How and why did he hope this would help his New Deal continue to be accepted?

Neil Gorsuch is Trump's nomination for the 9th Supreme Court judge.  If appointed he will be the 5th conservative judge.  How might this affect supreme court decisions?

How might a conservative Supreme Court change the progressive laws and ideas of Obama?  (think Obamacare, etc.)  Give another example.

This could be a synthesis component if you had a question about FDR and the New Deal or the Supreme Court then and now!!

Read Ch. 34 800-13

FDR and the beginning of WW2


utilize this resource for review.  Gilder Lehrman is a great resource and this

is a wonderful resource for an excellent visual review of each chapter!!  use it!!

How many days until the AP exam???



Get ready to DEBATE!!  It will be a shortened day so we will launch into the debates


Remember:  Test on Wednesday.  Also, you should have completed Ch 33.

You can see that we are on schedule to finish in the Middle of April....however, we will be starting to review before....practice tests, DBQ, LEQ, and a Mock Exam.



Hey.  Hope you are having a good weekend....

Please read chapter 33.  Take notes.  Choose an additional document to SAY MEAN MATTER that is relevant to this chapter/topics.

We will be completing our activity on The New Deal on Monday.  You must complete the reading and complete the workbook A and B by Tuesday.  We will have a Test on Wednesday on Chapters 30-33.

I will not give you any additional homework....until after the Test.   I hope you are ready.  Start thinking about

getting ready for the AP exam.  Treat this as your best effort to check your


After the exam, we will have a timed LEQ or DBQ on Thursday or Friday.

We will have a mock AP exam next week.




Those of you who completed the Gilder Lehrman work.....excellent job!!

Watch the Period 7 Into video on Gilder Lehrman.

Listen to videos on THe Great Migration and the Great Depression (3 min!0 and the

Severity of the Great Depression (3 min)

Finish Chapter 32.  Complete AB and




APUSHERS!  you did a great job today in small group discussions!

You must ALL prepare to benefit from such activities.

Go to Gilder Lehrman

Period 7;  Documents

From the first 12 documents choose TWO and analyze with SAY MEAN MATTER.

We will share Thursday.

Ch. 32  746-760  SKIM.  Make a few notes on the events leading up to the Great Crash.  This is a tedious section.

REad 760-768

Notes on the Great Crash

Rugged Times;  Hoovervilles

Battling the Depression

The Bonus Army!!

We will discuss the applying questions on

Friday from Ch 31.



Finish reading Chapter 31

Complete Workbook a and b and d

Answer Applying questions:  1, 3, 6, 8, 9

Be prepared to present your assignment and

any of the questions in Applying



Read and complete the handouts on the Shenck case.

Write a one page argument.  Take a STAND!

Was the Sedition Act necessary?  Is it important today if we went to war?

Was Shenck a threat to the war effort?  Was the Supreme Court decision justified based upon the Sedition act?

Make sure you have taken note of the history of African Americans at this time in Ch. 30;  as well as the League of Nations,  Treaty of Versailles

REad Ch 31.  pp 720-732  the 20's were HOT!

Red Scare


Reducing immigration




Good luck on SAT test!!!



Complete the pro/con organizer

Complete your sketch of poster or political cartoon

Make sure all workbook questions are answered.

no more tonight so you can.....




Workbook   Chapter 30

AB were already completed!  Right?

E and F for tonight


#2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

We will discuss in class.



Finish your work on Chapter 30 up to p. 714

Notes, etc. on the issues of the war and making of peace

In the workbook and answer the A and B questions.

Do a great job!!  ITS CRUNCH TIME!!

We will continue our discussion about Neutrality and WW1.



Complete the DBQ.  Review the rubric and write a 6!!

REad 679-693

This is a short chapter....Most important is the progressive policies of President

Wilson, new foreign policy (mexico, Haiti)  the Lusitania, and the prelude to entering WWI.  I think you can read this

and take notes over the weekend.  ITS SHORT!!



Complete all your assignments to date. I will be starting to check notebooks tomorrow in class.  Make sure you have a ONE PAGE cover for each period.

I want you to use CENAGE to help you review the years since the Civil War.

You will take three tests to do so.  I do not care about how high you score.  I want you to answer the questions as a review and as personal feedback for yourself.

So....please write down your score.  Also tell me 3 questions from each test that

were either a challenge and/or a learning moment.

Tomorrow We will be examining the primary sources concerning T. Roosevelt's position on the segregation of Japanese children in

San Francisco.




Complete your reading and notes for Chapter 28.

MAke sure that you watch the Progressivism video for Period 7;  add to notes;  be prepare to share 3 notes from the video

WATCH to complete Shirtwaist Fire video:

What are 3 connections you can make between the film and the progressive movement, and the new policies of Teddy Roosevelt

Complete Workbook ABD

Answer ApplyInG What you Learned

#1, 3, 4, 6,   be prepared to discuss in small groups.



Tomorrow you will write a LEQ on the period surrounding the Spanish American War.

REVIEW THE RUBRIC.  You should have memorized the rubric/points for the

DBQ and the LEQ.  If you do  not, its not possible to score well even if you think you write it well.

Watch the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (7 min) from the Story of US.  What can youi add to your notes on 662-64

Read Ch 28  665-675   Take notes; I will check tomorrow as you take the LEQ



657-673  Progressivism.

Watch the Progressive Era video on Gilder Lehrman; 30 min. (third video)

Read and TAKE YOUR OWN NOTES from this first part of CHapter 28.  It's very interesting and relevant to health, work, environment today.

REview Chapter 27.  Test on Monday.

Answer 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12  Applying what you have learned.  Two of these will be on the test, make sure you can answer completely!  Practice your response.

How many days until the APUSH exam?  Find out!



You will begin the reading, etc. for Ch 28 over this weekend!!

We will have a TEst on ch. 27 and a DBQ on US Imperialism on Tuesday!

Work on your presentation.  We will complete 4 Thursday and 4 on Friday.  We will have a text on Ch 27 on Monday.

Note:  We need to correct the rest of your tests!!  I scored all the short answers (2 tests!!))  I got sick and we never corrected!!


African American Soldiers;  Raul

Make sure that you can connect this lesson with a current event/law/issue

that relates to this history!

You will begin the reading, etc. for Ch 28 over this weekend!!

We will have a TEst on ch. 27 and a DBQ on US Imperialism on Tuesday!



Hey  APUSHERS!! Keep pushing!

Your written assignment that is due Tuesday.  All you have to do right now is follow the directions on the website.  Follow the Teachers/guide/directions as mentioned.

This will allow you to research and respond.  We can discuss the presentation tomorrow.  We can begin on Wednesday, and finish the following days.

The presentation:  Your objective will be to help the class understand this themes in US history and the examples that illustrate the theme over the periods...."change over time" and the concept of synthesis for this theme.

You should use one of the 'historical arguments' to guide your presentation.  Take a look at your options (such as change over time).  You can also provide thoughts and questions about Say Mean Matter concerns.    You will not need any other visuals than the page posted on Gilder Lehrman.  You can display this page during your presentation and refer to pictures, quotes, etc.

 You will have around 6 minutes to describe your pr

ojects to the rest of the class, and a minute or two for

questions. You can write your big idea or most important notes this on the whiteboard.  you should emphasize the following:

What is the over arching question related to this topic?

What historical issue is your project addressing, and why should we care?  Why is it important to know as an AP student and as an historian/citizen?

What is the key theme and its examples?

What are 3-5 important ideas/events/people regarding this theme?  Did you learn anything surprising?  What Enduring Understanding would you take away from this project?



A. In class Friday we will be doing an activity on the USS Maine and Yellow Journalism.

Follow all directions from this lesson.  REad, answer questions as you go, and finally answer the questions after the reading.  You will be your own teacher!!

Post:  You will complete this over the weekend.

B.  Also due on Tuesday....You will also be doing research on how misinformation/yellow journalism/lies have led America to war.  Use the internet or your text to examine the provocation or story that led to war (we have read several, including the Mexican American War, Iraq War, Vietnam,  etc.)  List the War; the event or misinformation that led to war; the individuals involved; the purpose of going to war; the outcome.   Of course, the attack on the Maine, if you watched the video to the end....was the cause of the Spanish American War....or was it?

Historical Newspaper:  You will create your own Yellow Journalism headlines for one of these wars, provocative picture,

5 sentence main story, 2 subtitles for articles with 3 sentences,  as well include a relevant political cartoon.  It will be Front page of a newspaper.    Organize on one page as a newspaper front page.

C.  You and a partner will be assigned a HISTORY NOW project where you will address a theme in American history that pervades our national timeline.  Some are listed below.  On the Gilder Lehrman Website (see below) you will follow the teaching instructions From The Teacher's Desk below the introduction.  Click on this link and you will see instructions.

Remember, these issues are likely questions in DBQ and LEQ.  You need context, outside knowledge and synthesis!!

You must write out your answers; and you will teach a 10 minute lesson on the issue and what students should know about this theme.  Write a prompt...that we might see on an LEQ or DBQ;  or, use one of the documents/pictures and write

2 short answer questions.

We will begin these 'teach ins' on Tuesday.

Hope to see you tomorrow!!  Dr. Steinberg



Review Timeline:  Read about first 5 major events in PERIOD 7.

WATCH Gilder Lehrman.  PERIOD 7 Overview
FINISH the above assignments tonight for HW.

Hey students!  I'm really sorry that I have missed so much time with you.  Fortunately, we are

still on the same pace/schedule as last year and have  plenty of time to complete and study for the AP exam.  You need to do this work on your own.  You all need to take responsibility for

this work and the assignments whether I am there or not!!  This is a college level class, and in college you complete your work on a weekly basis, submit papers, take tests, and prepare on your own or with a study group.   Of course, we will be practicing the written LEQ and DBQ work when I get back.  I keep thinking I will be better in a day or two, but unfortunately the doctors have been correct....its a two week ordeal...minimum!!



Below is the link to Bury My Heart at wounded knee.

I will add directions later tonight.

Watch the film. Work w worksheets 1 and 2.



As per the previous post about Bury My Heart....

As you finish ch 27, you will note the continuation of the Manifest Destiny doctrine

to control north america, etc.  This same doctrine was manifest in the genocide and removal of the Native Americans.  This is an important part of our current history as natives battle to prevent the oil pipeline from disturbing their land.

Watch the movie, take notes.  Be sure to cite the policies and treaties that are addressed in the film.  This will count for 25 points, answer the following

questions on the 2 worksheets:

25 points for completion of the rest of this assignment

Worksheet 1

1. Research one of the individuals profiled in the film

2.  Answer the discussion questions.

Worksheet 2

Now Research the following time periods and examine

how federal policies of the United States govern-

ment in each time period shaped Indian Nations,

specifically how they affected their cultures,

traditions, and economic status.

Allotment and Assimilation Period (1887-1934)

The Indian Reorganization Period (1934-1945)

Termination Period (1945-1968)

Self-Determination Period (1968-Present

Discuss the following topics based on your research

findings, focusing on how these issues are connected

to Indian Nations today.

1. Provide examples of policies that have undermined

the constitutional right of Indian Nations to be

sovereign entities.

2. What sovereignty? Are the Indian nations 'sovereign' or not?  Explain.  Describe the status of the current relationship

between Indian tribes and the federal government.

What social issues do American Indians face

today?  list 2 sites you used to find out this information

We will discuss in class on Monday.



Back from doctor....not much improvement.  Sorry APUSHERS.

Now, about this extra credit...

You have read chapter 24.  You have watched and taken notes on MINE WARS.

Now you will write about MINE WARS as an example/event which represents the components of the conflict between Bosses and the Unions/workers.

PROMPT:  How and to what extent does MINE WARS represent the elements of the conflict in principles and practice at the heart of the struggle between big business and the worker?



I.  Describe the bosses, their businesses, the issues, their goals and philosophies.

II.  Describe the various unions, their leaders, the workers and their purposes, their goals

III.  Trace the events leading to the MINE WARS.  Reference ideas from paragraphs 1-2 and show how which ones became issues of this strike.  Show how this impacted individuals in the strike (see your notes)

IV. Discuss and analyze the culminating events of this strike.

v.  Evaluate the outcome.  How did it harm or help the bosses?  the Unions?  the workers?  Include synthesis in your discussion

Your writing should contain elements of the LEQ rubric.  If you want 50 extra credit points, then your paper should be scholarly and supported  by evidence from both the text book and the film. The PBS website for this film also has a lot of interesting information and primary sources.

Good luck to those of you who want this challenge! and points!



HW:  Before beginning Ch 27, complete the following assignment using

the interactive map on the National Geo Interactive website.  Refer to Ch 26 again to review the history of the Native American.

Create a map that describes the history, dates, events that led to the genocide and removal of Native Americans from their land.  This is a good visual representation of this history.

Do the same for 2 other subjects listed;  African Americans, Mex Amer War etc.

Choose 2 that will help YOU remember the visual/chronological story of these events. Print out.  Save the interactive map you created.  You will be asked to show and describe the map to the class.



To better understand the result of the genocide of the American Indian, watch,

BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE, 2007.  Watch online, free.  I will assign this and post some questions asap.

By the way, the following students did well on their DBQ on American Industry (Robber Barrons or Captains of Industry):  Rushawnda, JJ, Thurston,  Leonela, Aniello,Tiffany, Gabriella, Joshua.  These students scored 4 or higher.

Many of you are still not responding to the prompt, not creating a thesis that will be supported by evidence, missing context points, etc.  I am especially concerned that  many of you have not gotten into the practice of writing a good thesis.  Alas!

We will practice again!!

I will input into mysis



Dear Subsitute.

The students have received assignments online.

Per. 3
AP US History

Use the 5 STEPS to a 5 review book. Ch. 17=18
With a partner skim and annotate your notebook
See Chapter Review/Rapid Review
Can you explain each of the following??????
What can you explain together?  Which are difficult?

If students complete this review, they will be assigned the next chapter
in the textbook tonight on the blog

Thank yo



Sorry my friends....I have been quite sick and sleeping 24/7.  Just starting to recover I hope.  Nonetheless, I hope you are doing the work I have managed to leave for you .  You have been on your own to keep up with this work.  And I do expect that you will be halfway through Ch 26, and should be completing the reading and notes by Tuesday.

The Extra Credit assignment, Mine Wars, is contingent on you having completed the rest of the your work!!!  Right? That's a definition of EXTRA credit.

I will be posting the details for this later today....It will NOW be due on Wednesday.

REMEMBER:  I will be collecting your notebooks.  Complete all needed components.



TEST CH. 25 MONDAY  ABD and some sample short answer questions; respond in 2-3 sentences; no essay form or paragraph;
just the facts!

You should start reading Ch. 26....Sorry but we must stay on track!!



Review DBQ rubric!!

DBQ Wednesday.

Watch immigration video on Gilder Lehrman; by Professor  Jacobson; take notes as it will teach you about the whole continuuing repeating cycle of immigratiobn.

Choose a second to watch.  Your choice.  Take Notes.  I will check while you are writing.

  • DBQ Wednesday on Bosses and Unions

Extra Credit: The American Experience, The Mine Wars

Watch, take thorough notes.

Write an essay describing the pertinent topics, events, people and issues through

the film.  You may write it from the point of view of the a corporate boss,union labor leader a striker, or Frick.  Two pages.  well written.  I want to see a complete list of the pertinent issues/facts/people; see your text or go to the American Experience website.

1 page of topics, etc. ;5 paragraph essay.  DUE FRIDAY!!!



Gilder Lehrman Period 6 Watch videos 1-7 and 13 Take notes; add 2 new facts or understandings for each video.

Workbook A, B, C ; Applying: 2,3,8

You will be expected to contribute in class as we discuss the videos and the Applying questions. Make Synthesis!! In the Applying questions, proposed a 'synthesis' that you Could include in an essay.

DBQ Wednesday on Bosses and Unions I will check and you will discuss in class



  • Monday; Read Ch 25 and take notes. Answer A,B
  • Extra Credit!!!  50 points
  • Watch: Union documentary; American Experience: The MINE WARS
  • I want to see your notes;
  • Write down the 5 main points that add to your understanding of big bosses and unions.  Give examples from the film/history.
  • Chapter  25 Topics:
  • Shift to the city
  • Immigration
  • Hull House; Jane Addams
  • Nativism
  • Statue of liberty
  • Darwin
  • Booker T Washington v. WEB Dubois
  • Morrill Act; Hatch Act
  • Literary Landmarks….
  • New Morality
  • Women's suffrage
  • Divorce
  • Prohibition movements; orgs
  • Gilder Lehrman: Watch videos 1-7 and 13
  • Take notes; add 2 new facts or understandings for each video.
  • I will check and you will discuss in class



Test Ch 23-24

  • Questions: Be prepared to answer 4,6,7, or 10 (ch 24)
  • Rockefeller, unions, Haymarket, Homestead Strike



  • Complete all HW from Wednesday;
  • Complete ch. 24; Workbook ABD; choose and answer 4 applying questions
  •  Watch two films about unions:
  • Homestead Strike (Carnegie; Pennsylvania); and
  • go to History Channel:  Haymarket Square Massacre (in Chicago); or choose your own video on this topic
  • Friday: Test Ch. 23-24 A, B, F  Choose on:  Q. 4, 6, 7, 10
  • There will be questions on 3 films; Rockefeller, Homestead, Haymarket



  • Review of Chaper 24:
  • Go to Gilder Lehrman period 6.   Choose 1 video and 2 documents that will help us understand one of the topics such as unions in the Gilded Age; Share with class tomorrow as Say Mean Matter
  • Finish PBS bio on Rockefeller. 00-44 min. This will give you a good idea of the man and his monopoly. Interesting.  As you watch take notes; add his story to your notes;  How did he manipulate the oil business? How did he come to monopolize oil refining in Cleveland?
  • 0r
  • Notebook ABD; p. 225 applying 1-4,7



Read and take notes on the first half of Chapter 24 to p. 547


Chinese labor/exclusion act

Business tycoons:  Vanderbilt

Commerce Act


horizontal integration




Gospel of Wealth

Sherman Anti-trust Act



  • HW: Complete Workbook Short answers123479 10
  • There will be 4 on the test
  • Test Monday, Ch 22. ABDF
  • Read Ch. 23; Focus on:
  • Grant and reconstruction
  • 2 scandals
  • Gilded Age and patronage system
  • Compromise of 1877 and end of Reconstruction
  • Jim Crow; sharecropping; /Plessy v. Ferguson
  • Chinese workers; immigration ; Chinese Exclusion Act
  • US v. Wong Kim Ark; birthright citizenship; jus soli
  • Assassination of Garfield; next presidents
  • McKinley Tariff
  • Andrew Carnegie; the Homestead Act



  • Ch. 22 Workbook:   A, B, F
  • :WATCH 13th (netflix or online)
  • Answer 3 or 5 Questions
  • 1. Describe and Explain the concept of "Slavery to Prison Pipeline). How did you feel after viewing 13th?Do you think the message of the film was ultimately hopeful? Why or why not?
  • 2. This documentary emphasizes that the current crisis of mass incarceration is directly tied to our country's legacy and history of slavery. By showing how slavery shifted to convict leasing, to Jim Crow segregation, to the war on drugs, 13th argues that "systems of oppression are durable and they often reinvent themselves." Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
  • 3. How does 13th characterize our criminal justice system and political institutions? How did this film shape your understanding of the prison system? Was there a particular case or series of facts that altered or challenged any of your views? Explain.
  • 4. How much did you know about the war on drugs and war on crime before watching the film? Were you  surprised to learn about the racial underpinnings of these legislative policies, and the active role of the state in
  • criminalizing and targeting communities of color?
  • 5. How do you think media and popular culture representations of Black Americans, particularly of Black men, have contributed to a dangerous climate of white fear and anxiety? (Think back to the way George Zimmerman was heard describing Trayvon Martin, or the media frenzy around the Central Park Five that resulted in their wrongful imprisonment



Complete your reading and notes for Chapter 22 on Reconstruction

Read the document insets in the text;  what makes each one relevant!?

Rewrite your LEQ

I will give you a quiz on the DBQ Rubric and the LEQ Rubric tomorrow; it will be

added to the test score.

We will continue to score the sample writing from student LEQs.

Watch the History of Jim Crow; part 1;  with this you will understand reconstruction

ADD 3 new details to your notes on Ch 22;



  • Read CH. 22;  take notes
  • LEQ RUBRIC Notes:
  1. Thesis:

Present a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and responds to all parts of the question. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either in the introduction or the conclusion.

  1. Application of Historical Thinking Skills: Develop and support an argument that applies historical thinking skills as directed by the question.


  1. Supporting the Argument with Evidence: Utilize specific examples of evidence to fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument.
  2. Synthesis: Extend the argument by explaining the connections between the argument and one of the following: A development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area. A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay such as political, economic, social, cultural, or intellectual history

See Tom Richey for rubrics APUSH LEQ Rubrics,  DBQ  Rubrics

See College Board, p 129, Rubric;

  • Break down the Prompt and practice; rewrite; the argument;
  • TASK Language--analyze, compare, contrast; early in school year; to what extent
  • Developing a strong Thesis.
  • Readers don't look at writing style;



Look at the LEQ Rubric.  Many of you did not write to the Rubric.  Remember that you need thesis, type of argument, synthesis=6 points.  See Rubric.

I will quiz you on the Rubric and add it to your test score.  We will

look at students samples from the College Board tomorrow.

Text Book:  Read. Ch. 22  pp 479-489 Reconstruction;

and The Rise of the Ku Klux Klan

2, See Gilder Lehrman Timeline;

3, REad the document:  The WAr and Reconstruction in Gilder Lehrman



As you know, we will have a test on chapters 20-21.  We are half way to the 40 chapters required for the exam!!!  This is fun!!  right!?

See below for instructions for the LEQ.  There is a file to use to organize your essay.

There is also the opportunity to earn extra credit.  50 points for a movie review.

see attached movie review organizer.  Be specific.  If I don't think you watched the entire film you will not get the credit.  2 page max.  typed.  Watch and write in the spirit of MARTIN LUTHER KING who continued the work of the emancipators, African Americans,women, and soldiers of the civil war.

  • How to Write a Movie Review.doc
  • Standard AP US History Essay Format-1.doc



Create your One Pager for Period 5 (which you should have finished now!)  I will check it tomorrow.  Do a good helps to review the major aspects of per 5.

IF You Did NoT:   Watch or read  3 documents on Gilder Lehrman on the Civil War; or on PBS.  Complete say mean matter for each.  Do thiS!!

Answer workbook Questions:  1, 3, 4, 5, 8,

Create a thesis for this prompt

Prompt:  Was the Civil War a revolution against American Society?  To what extent?

Write down three topics for your essay.

Write 2 pieces of evidence to support your topics.

finish your outlines for ch 20-21



Continue and complete w the assignment on Ch 21.

We will have many discussions in small groups.

Friday we will review the guidelines for Long Essay Question.

We will have a test on Ch. 20-21 on Monday

You will also write a DBQ on the Civil War



  • Tues-Weds;  HW: Chapter 21 Read and Complete Notes
  • please view the PBS Clips/complete
  • Go to Choose 3 clips on Civil War
  • Complete SAY MEAN MATTER; to share in class for Thursday. We will discuss the clips in small groups for deeper understanding.
  • Please include :"Lincolns Re election"



  • HW: Read Ch 20; take notes; Be prepared to discuss the events
  • Watch 5 PBS CLIPS on Civil War worth watching:
  • Lincolns election leading to succession:
  • 16 CLIPS
  • Lincolns election
  • Traitors and Patriots
  • Honorable Manhood
  • How does each clip add to your understanding of this period

You will complete the same activities for Ch. 21 for Wednesday.







Practice test sites.  More fun that your text!

Review text, your notebook (quick review before test w ONE PAGER).

Practice Website for MC

by period

by chapter

by topics


McGraw Hill practice test for per 1-9



  • REAd and take notes!!  HW: Ch 19 to p. 425
  • Uncle Toms cabin
  • Kansas
  • John Brown in Kansas
  • Brooks beats Sumner
  • Dred Scott
  • Lincoln; the Great Debate
  • John Brown at Harpers Ferry
  • CHeck your notebook.  I will collect and grade.  Make sure each Period has a one pager cover sheet as described!!  The better you do now, the more prepared you will be for the AP exam.  It seems like it a long way off.....but not anymore.  The Holiday and Four Months until MAy!



Test on Ch. 17-18

Know all Mult CHoice

Study the Applying Questions; you will choose 2 to answer



Complete all work for Chapters 17-18

Answer A and B for Ch. 18; answer

Answer Applying #1, 2,3,5,6, 7, 8

DBQ Friday on Slavery



  • Complete Chapter 18
  • a few notes on: Expansionism/south; Asia
  • a few notes on Pacific/Gadsen Purchase
  • Detailed notes on the Kansas Nebraska Act
  • Watch APUSH REVIEW for Chapter 17-18
    • NOw;   go to Per 5:  Gilder Lehrman, Documentschoose 3 documents of the first 9
    • complete SAY MEAN MATTER for 3
  • consider vacation movie choices; suggest others
  • Lincoln, Glory, Amistad, 12 Years a Slave, the new Birth of a Nation (Nat Turners Rebellion)



  • Hey APEEPS!!  We are heading into the last weeks of the semester!  We will be completing the text work through the Civil War.  Please put in the effort necessary for an AP class----so you can finish the semester with feeling of accomplishment.
  • I know there will be a lot to do in other classes as well
  • NONETHELESS......h
  • finish HW from last night/such as the workbook assignment
  • CH. 18 pp 391-400
  • popular sovereignty; Taylor and slavery issues; Gold;
  • Sectional Balance; Underground Railroad; Compromise of 1850;
  • examine the p 400/map and status of slavery; take notes on map and text section
  • Go to Ken Burns PBS series 'The Civil War': watch the clips from the website.
  • Watch films such as
  • Please Watch pre civil war episode of Crash Course!!!



  • Read Textbook HW: Read and take notes on Chapter 17 p. 373-
  • Pay attention to:  Manifest Destiny; Mexico/Mexican American War
  • Remember the Alamo; causes of and the revolt against Mexico
  • The War w Mexico; causes; provocations and negotiations; significant events of the war
  • Results/escalating tensions; The Wilmot Proviso; Compromise of 1850; fugitive slave act;  sectional conflict and Bleeding Kansas;
  • Dred scott decision
  • Make a timeline of the escalation of events from 1821-Civil War
  • See Reviewing the Chapter: Explain each review topic: 2, 3, 4, ,5 6, 7,
  • Use your workbook:  complete Mult Choice/Tf
  • Please Watch APUSH revieW for Chapter 17!!!



Study the multiple choice questions for Ch 12-15.


You will have a choice of short answer questions.

GOOD Luck!!  Happy Thanksgiving!!



Note:  DBQ will focus on issues from 1815-1860

Homework:  Go to Gilder Lehrman

Watch the Period 4 Introductory Video

Choose 3 videos to watch on the video/timeline

Read/take notes; knowledge such as this become 'outside information' on a DBQ and possibly documents you will encounter in the multiple choice section of the APUSH exam!

Documents in Period 4; 3 bullet points per document; and, make a connection with a larger issue or event

Davy Crockett

Andrew Jackson


Lowell Milla

Children and Women's Rights

Make sure you have completed the workbook.  The test Friday will be from the

Multiple choice sections and selected questions at end of each chapter.



Finish reading and note taking for Ch. 16

Complete Workbook A, B

Applying:  Answer 1, 3, 5,



Test on Friday on Ch. 12-15

Address these issues in your notes; as you read--

REad p. 348-49  As notes,  Trace the development of the institution of slavery as the cause of the civil war.  List the events that tried to resolve the issue of slavery to preventa civil war.   How was the strength of the union and the constitution tested in by the civil war?

Cotton is King

350-53  Describe the importance of cotton and slavery to the southern colonies.

What were the 'cancers' of slavery?

What were the early tensions between the North and South?

Describe the differences among the white population.

Make an observation about each of the maps on 354-55.  How does it inform

you about the growth of slavery/cotton between 1820-1860

Describe the Free Blacks

Describe the institution of plantation slavery; include--slavers, the investments, slave breeding, slave auctions, the Lash/cruelty, destruction of families, marriage,

Describe the Burden of Bondage; for slave and slave owners


Describe the growth of the abolition movement



BRACE YOURSELF!!  You will be reading Ch 14 and 15 this weekend!!!

HOWEVER...................they are both very light and have only a few events of

significance which I will list here.  Skim the chapter and as you do take note of these topics for your note taking.  THEN WATCH the APUSH REVIEW videos on these two chapters; and annotate notes as you watch.

CH. 14   Westward Movement; skim this

prejudice:  Irish, the Germans

Antiforeignism; nativism

Mechanization and inventions

Factory System

Women at Work

New Transportation

CH. 15

Second Great Awakening

THe Mormons


Reform Issues:

Women in Revolt; early feminism; suffragettes

Names in Science, Art literature

Test:   Next week on Ch 13-15.

Then....the prelude to the Civil War!!!  Exciting.  Tragic.



  • 1. Complete workbook for Ch. 13; BC
  • 2,  Applying:  1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
    • Do the applying as it will help you work with the material and understand it.
  • 3.  Compare Trump/Clinton election campaign with 3 other controversial presidential elections; issues; electoral or popular votes, etc.

    See:  John Adams v.Jackson, John Adams v. Jefferson, etc.

    4.  The Presidential Election journal/diary reflections will now be due on Monday because I want you to attend to the workbook and presidential comparison which we will discuss Thursday.

    Brainstorm ideas/thoughts/events/news/tweets/….  then Draft a letter/diary to your children about this election season. June 2015
    • Google and review the events/videos of this election. Write a review of the Trump campaign, the Clinton campaign, the debates, and the election night! Why Trump won….
    • election/story?id=43289663



    • Complete workbook for Ch. 13; BC
    • Applying:  1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • NOW (due Thursday) Write a letter to your children about this election season. Google and review the events/videos of this election. Write a review of the Trump campaign, the Clinton campaign, the debates, and the election night!  Due thurs. Journal, diary, funny, opinion, 2 pages
  • Use the following website to review events, speech, tweets, emails of Trump and Clinton in the last year!!!!  I want to see evidence of events/quotes etc
  • in your diary/journal about this election!!!



Complete Chapter 13

Go to iCivics and play 2 or 4 games below

take screen shot or print out for credit



APUSH PEEPS:  We need to complete chapter 20 by Xmas break.  7 chapters in

5 weeks.  So expect to work on two chapters over Thanksgiving.  You will also

have work to do during Xmas vacation....sorry but the AP test is in MAY!!

Not to guys are doing just fine!!

Complete/finish notes on Chapter 13; second half of chapter

Bank Wars; McCulloch v. Maryland; Biddle quote (Jackson as Trump)

Death of the Bank; WHigs; Panic of 1837

TEXAS  275-80

2 party system

Workbook:  p. 115

answer: 2 4 5 6

Answer B MULTIple Choice

prepare for Candidate Panel

Play 2 of 4  iCivics games listed below:

Win the White House; Cast your Vote; Executive Command; Branches of Power

(if you played any already, choose others!!)

Record your score/participation w a screen shot or print out/picture



  • Prep for Presidential Panel!!!!
  • Chapter 13 Reading; first half pp ……256-270

Corrupt Bargain, John Adams policies; Jackson 1838; Jackson and the spoils system;  Tariff of Abomination;  Nullies ; Trail of Tears; Bank War



TEst on Chapter 12; see HW

There will be additional questions from


  • 3, 6, 8, 9, 10




Use the attachment to review periods 1-3

These are the themes you should be familiar this on the one page that is attached.  Do this for each period and insert after your cover sheet.

You don't need to make notes for each subtopic; just choose the 1-3 that are relevant.  And your answers should be very brief; just a few words to remind you of the events in this period in this theme.

TEST ON CH 12 FRIDAY----ALERT!!!!  911!!!

  • APUSH-Themes-BAGPIPES.pdf



If you did not complete the work from the last two days....DO SO!!!!  I will check and stamp at no extra charge if it is completed.  I know it was a long chapter.

Complete CDFG in your workbook.



The horrors of slavery, 1805

Complete your reading/notes on Chapter 12.  Complete workbook Checklist on p. 104.  Go over each question/prompt and provide an explanation that might suffice to be an introduction and thesis for an AP essay.

Go to Gilder Lehrman and read the following document summaries and excerpts.

The Monroe Doctrine, 1823

In your notes, add information that deepens your understanding of the Doctrine

and its purpose.  Be prepared to discuss.

American colonization Society

What was the purpose of this society?  Why did slave owners support this society and its policy?  Find Liberia on a map.



  • Watch:  Hamilton on PBS; What insights does it provide on the founding fathers?  Hamilton's story?  What new information was presented?
  • Read and take notes on Chapter 12
  • War of 1812--just the big ideas/not the battles
  • Burning Washington; Star Spangles Banner; Andrew Jackson
  • Hartford convention
  • Nationalism
  • American System; main idea
  • Slavery and sectionalism
  • Missouri Compromise
  • John Marshall/ decisions
  • oregon/florida
  • Monroe Doctrine



  • HW: Questions from Workbook on chapter 11 ABC
  • See pp. 248-9 in text
  • How did John Marshall did John Marshall shape the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and Through which cases?
  • NOW, Go to Gilder Lehrman.  Review the Period 3 then beginning of Period 4 Timeline.  LISTEN TO VIDEO:
  • then listen to Period/4 on Gilder Lehrman (where we are going!)'
  • TEst Friday on Chapter 11/not 12.
  • Thinking like an Historian/Expert: Partners will be assigned a question from the Workbook. You have your assigned question for you and your partner. Inside/outside Stations.



I Loved All the Panels!  You guys did a great job!

Finish reading/notes for Chapter 11  224-

What was Aaron Burr up to? What motivated such behavior? What were the effects?

Trace the roots of the Trade EMbargo (France v England; seizure of american seamen;  the Chesapeake; results of the embargo...

Madison's Gamble

Tecumseh; interpret the significance of  the quotes on p. 230;  CLay,, Tecumseh,


Causes of; the debate about going to war against England.

Test your knowledge by Completing Section ABC in workbook.  We will check


Review the Constitution

  • Make 3 observations relevant to population, states, votes, and slavery
  • Rank order the powers in Article 1. Rank from most important/powerful to least important or powerful.
  • Do the same for Article 2.
  • Make sure you are ready to discuss the Supreme Court Cases tomorrow.
  • .



Ch. 11 complete reading through 219

In your text...there is research on whether or not Jefferson had an affair and children with Sally Hemmings....Did he Lie???? Explain

explain the importance of John Marshall and Judicial Review

FIND A CASE online in which a decision by the Supreme Court overturned a

law because it was unconstitutional.  Examples;  Loving v. Virginia, Dred Scott,

Brown v Board of Education; explain one of my examples and summarize one of your own.

Read through the Barbary Pirates and the peace treaty.  What was the issue you

here and what long term effect did it have on the power of the US?

Read through the Louisiana Purchase, and Lewis and Clark.  Take notes



 UPDATE SATURDAY  Your prompt is about the Alien and Sedition Acts.  see this website for the  Virginal Resolutions of 1798 which was the result of a debate on this matter.

See the downloaded files below from 2005.  The first dbq is about the effects of the American Revolution.  The second file are sample essays.  Choose 2 for the first dbq listed and score them. Read the prompt and the documents.  Then Use the Rubric to score 1-7.  This is NOT the dbq on Alien and Sedition Acts, but will help you understand the dbq.  You will share your scoring in class and compare to others.  Thank you.

Read 211-220  Take notes;

While we are putting Mr JEfferson on the hot seat again on Tuesday I would like you to know more about him and his era.

Identify the jeffersonian period.

REad about an important supreme Court case of the Time:  Marbury v. Madison

WATCH on apushreview; Marbury v. Madison

This will help you understand its significance.

Last of all, go through your notebook for Period 3.  Review the events, etc. and create a one page cover for the period.  Use a computer.  Select your information carefully, because this will be your BIBLE for quick reviews of the periods.

Illustrate, insert photos, etc.  See previous instructions.

  • _ap05_frq_us_history_45555.pdf
  • ap_ushistory_apcentra_47338.pdf



  • Research the Issues or Policy Platform of Trump and Clinton
  • Go to their websites;  Complete the organizer for the issues
  • 1. Summary questions:  Candidate Research for Trump and Clinton 2016
  • Based on your research of Trump and Clinton, rank the issues from 1-6 with 1 being the most important, and 6 being the least important. Explain your ranking.
  • 2.
  • Which candidate did you agree with on the Greatest number of issues?
  • 3. Which candidate did you agree with on the least number of issues? Explain which policies you disagree with
  • 4.Is there one issue that is a "deal breaker" for you (The candidate MUST agree with you on it, or there is no way you would support the candidate)? Explain.
  • 5.Based on your research, which candidate would you be most likely to support if the election was held today? Explain in Detail.
  • 6. What personal issues of Trump or Clinton concern you? List 2 and then go to Fact Check and research the validity of the information.
  • Wednesday evening: Watch the Debate and complete the organizer
  • Debate Guide and Evaluation.docx - Google Docs.html
  • HANDOUT_Candidate_Research.pdf



Complete workbook parts A and B for Chapter 10.

Now.......Go to Gilder Lehrman website

Watch the video for Period 4.

Chapter 11:  REad 211-218 in your text book

Take notes; be able to describe the Jeffersonian Revolution

Be able to contrast the Jeffersonians with the Federalists.

We will begin writing decades papers this week.  Make sure that your Period 1-3 are complete and have a cover/one pager for each period.

DBQ on Friday;  In class; Timed on The Alien and Sedition Acts

Now....go watch the Debate!  Complete the organizer as you watch.

  • Debate Guide and Evaluation

    For each topic of the debate, students should include notes focusing on the content, message, and effectiveness of delivery from each candidate.  For more information and video for the debates and the Campaign, visit C-SPAN's Campaign 2016 website.







Federalist witch hunt.

Describe the motivation to restrict immigrants.

Describe the Alien Law.  Now google this law and find out its relevance in discussions today about deportation.

Again, describe the Sedition Act.

Compare this act to the British prosecution of Peter Zenger.

Why do you suppose the Supreme Court allowed these laws?


List and describe the Jeffersonians (anti federalists) reactions to the Alien and Sedition Act.

What was the Rightful Remedy?  What is nullification?  Give an example by

using the internet of when States have recently used this theory to make laws that disagree with Federal Laws (such as the llegalization of Marijuana)....find your own example!!

List and then summarize the platforms of the two new political parties.

REad p. 208-9 and add other aspects of difference.

Complete PArt A and B in your Workbook .



Continue with Reading:  pp. 200-207  Take notes by bold headings.  We will be discussing after the Founder Press Conferences.

Founder Press Conferences:  Monday, Tuesday

Each team will represent one founder.

  • Team captain will be the Founder; team members will do research for the Founder. Assign each member:  diary, bio, story, speech, document, quote,
  • Etc. Write note cards for Founder.
  • Members on the panel: Founder, slave, wife, free Black
  • Members will each write a relevant, knowledgeable question for each other founders; use their documents to write relevant/challenging questions! Choose a role as a questioner:
  • Slave, free Black American, slave owner, another Founder/leader, news reporter
  • News reporter, famous Black American
  • Points will awarded based upon evidence based questions and answers
  • Panel will consist of Founder and wife, slave, free black, child,
    • Points will awarded based upon evidence based questions and answers
    • HW: Research on Founding Father; documents; diary; bio; slaves; family;
    • Slavery; documentary;



  • Friday: Research and panel discussion
  • What were the American founders' views on slavery, and how did they act on them in creating a new republic? Why was slavery not ended during the founding of the new nation?
  • Open file below for text:  Read Sets A and B; complete organizers
  • Text Document for Slavery and Founders 1(1).pdf





Test on Chapter 9  Study Workbook; AB and F

For Review; Go to American Pageant and watch chapter review;

This will help.  Watch during or after each chapter.  Before a test!



Complete DBQ;  make sure you follow the Rubric.  The rest of your DBQs will be in class in real time!!!

Use your text to complete your notes:

  1. Checks and Balances—Concept and examples of how each branch checks on other brances

2.Play games:  iCivics;  Win the White House;

(finish Executive Command and Branches of Power if you did not;  report your score;

Read last 5 Documents on Gilder Lehrman in Period 3.  Choose 2 pieces of information that enrich your understanding of this Period of writing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Watch the Debate Assignment and complete evaluation worksheet.

  • Test on Chapter 9 Tuesday.
  • Do your Best!  Or choose to go from Good to Better to Best!!  Be proud of what you can accomplish...or in the words of a freshman, 'Feel Empowered' by what you learn!



  • Explain: Use your text for 1-5

1.The Great compromise

2.Slave Trade Compromise

3.3/5 compromise

4.Electoral College

  • See a copy of The Constitution p. A32 in American Pageant

1.REad and Analyze the Preamble:  list the Big Ideas that describe the purpose of the constitution in general;  (if necessary, google/see Constitution for Dummies)

2..Explain Separation of Powers

3. List the 5 main Powers of the Articles 1 and 2; and 2 main powers of Article 3

5.Play games:

Executive Command and Branches of power;  record your scores



Finish Reading Chapter 9.  As you read, take notes and list the following:

  1. The Weakness of the Articles Of confederation;
  2. The main problems and solutions for writing and ratifying a new Constitution
  3. The Electoral process;  How was it described?  What were the inherent problems?  Research:  What is our electoral college today? go to the CSPAN Classroom and search electoral college.  Watch the videos and answer 3 questions at bottom of page.
  4. The arguments of the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists

Make sure you visited the American Pageant 13th Edition;   Themes,

You will write a DBQ on the arguments for and against a strong government and/or the constitution on Friday.  In class!



HAve a great weekend....and enjoy reviewing Chapter 8 and reading part of Ch. 9!!!

There will be a test on Chapter 8 The American Revolution on Tuesday.  Review all workbook questions ABF.   Be prepared to answer APPlying Questions # 2, 6, 7.  These will be short answer questions 5 sentences; you will need to be able to support with EVIDENCE!!

WATCH Adam Norris review period 3 through the Revolution.  Good review.  He also points out how the AP Central will address this period;  both info and writing.

If you really want to grasp the AP Central point of view, watch all of his Reviews!!

But certainly watch all of Period 3 through the revolution.  It beats taking notes and having no other input but your own reading.

REad 167-180 in American Pageant

Takes notes.

Then go to American Pageant 13th Edition; the notes are way too long; but explore the following:  Themes,



Prepare for the Debate!!  80 points as per Rubric!!  Know your Stuff!!  Don't be a Drumpf!!!

Workbook:  complete sections A and B and E.



  • Read and annotate the selections from Common Sense. Jan 9, 1776
  • Make a Timeline of significant events and documents that came before…….Common Sense.
  • Answer questions on the excerpts from the document.
  • How would you have responded to Paine's arguments if you were an American loyalist? Why?
  • Based on Paine's arguments, why did people at this time support the monarchy? Which of the reasons you've identified in your answer to this question do you find persuasive? Why or why not?
  • NOW
    • Make a Timeline for your One Pagers
    • Make a Timeline of 4 events and 2 Documents that preceded Common Sense (see Text)
    • A. Make a list (T chart/pro-con) of Paine's major arguments against monarchy and for separation in these excerpts.
    • B. NOW, imagine that you, like many others in the 18th century, believed in monarchy. What counter-arguments could be used in response to Paine? list pro and con arguments and prepare to present and defend them.
    • C. Debate. Each group will be Assigned to Support Paine or Defend the Monarchy.
    • D. 0ne group will support/pro Paine's argument while another group will criticize/con Paines' Arguments.
    Debate TEAMS:

    Debate Teams

    PRo:  Gaby, Harris, Maxine, Victor

    CON: Mathew, Josh , Lexa, and ?????!!!!!



 Text   Reading/note taking:  pp. 156-161 (make sure to examine the role of native americans in the war, and role of the French in the Battle of Yorktown,and the final Treaty of Paris/terms of surrender)

Friday Debate

DEBATE Prompt:  According to Paine, should the colonies declare separation from England and risk war? Yes/pro; No/con)

Each team has a set amount of time (3 minutes) to present its point of view.   Begin with historical background and historical Context (events, ideas in vogue, important people, dates)

When it's time for the team to state its point of view, one speaker from the team takes the floor.

That speaker can speak for no more than 1 minute, and must "tag" another member of the team to pick up the argument before the minute is up.

Team members who are eager to pick up on or add to the team's argument, can put out a hand to be tagged.

The debater who agrees with the statement (the Affirmative) begins the debate, which is structured in this way:  Each team must start with a statement of their position.

  1. Affirmative position debater presents constructive debate points. (3 minutes)
  2. Negative position debater cross-examines affirmative points. (2 minutes)
  3. Negative position presents constructive debate points. (3 minutes)
  4. Affirmative position cross-examines negative points. (2 minutes)



Watch Debate Tonight


Live Streaming – All the major news networks will offer a free live stream as will YouTube and Twitter. See this page for live stream links and details.

TV Channels – Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others

Use the guide on CSPAN link to follow the debate.  Print out or draw in your notebook.


Which Trump shows up?  Attack dog? Or President?

Does is get personal?  How?

How does race become a topic?  How does each address This issue?

How does each candidate use their hands?  Examples?

Does the moderator treat each equally?  Does he make them

Answer questions?  Does he interrupt?  Is Trump allowed to

Change topics or attack Hillary?



REad p. 143-156

Take notes on Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Loyalists v. Patriots:  Bullet points for the reasons to be on one side or the other;  notes on the % of each.

The Declaration of Independence:  List the main ideas and reasons in the

document.  Now, rank order them from 1-10

Explain Washington's loss

Burgoyne's Failed Invasion from Canada (we saw it in Story of US)

Explain the negotiations with England and France. Describe how Ben Franklin represented the new America to the Europeans.  How did this diplomacy establish

the colonies as a nation?

Go to Gilder Lehrman APUSH; Period 3

Annotate your notes (in another color ink) with new info or ideas for these documents

Plan for new Government

Battles of Lexington and Concord

Declaration of Independence

Watch 6 Presidential campaign ads at CSPAN

scroll down to Campaign Ad Analysis







2016   Clinton and Trump

How have presidential ads changed over the last 60 years?

What ad was the most engaging and creative?

Which ad did you think would get people to vote for the candidate?  WHy?

What strategies do you think they used in the ad?

Were there lies?

Did they promote themselves, or criticize their opponent in the ad?



  • FIRST!! Organize your three ring notebook. I want to see that you are organizing your work.  You made a one-pager for Period 1.  NOW create one
  • for Period TWO.  Include the same requirements.  (perhaps you should improve the one pager for Period ONe?
  • If you havent done so... you should make sure your complete the workbook
  • for Ch. 7, ABD
  • Ch. 8 Read pp. 140-42
  • Take notes on the selection of Washington
  • Make notes on the Battle of Bunker Hill, (see the picture of the Battle of Bunker Hill) the
  • Olive Branch petition, and the Hessians.  Note that Bunker HIll was a full year before the Dec of Independence.



Rewrite your DBQ.  Follow the rubric closely. TYPE only.   I want to see 4-7 only!!!

Review the evidence from the documents about the Battle of Lexington.  Add 2 more pieces of evidence to support your thesis.

REad p. 135-38  Take notes

List the strengths and weakness of the British

List the same for the American Colonists.

*note the promise to African American slaves



You will have the DBQ on The Boston MAssacre.

Please review:

the documents

your thesis statement

the RUBRIC so you can score high on the 7 point scale;  remember that you

will need to include outside information, synthesis, and point of view/audience/purpose of the author!!

Come prepared!!!  It is a shortened period so you will need to get right to work.



  • HW: Read ch. 7
  • Take notes on Chapter 7 p 122-135 (partial chapter assignment)
  • As you read, complete the chart for events leading to the Road to Revolution
  • Add 5 events that came before the French and Indian War that contributed to the new American Identity and rebellion against the English
  • Gilder Lehrman timeline and documents.  REad the first 4 docs in Per 3 on Gilder Lehrman.  This will enhance your understanding of this period before the outbreak of WAR.  1.  1763,  2. Stamp Act Reaction 3. Stamp Act
  • 4.  Boston Massacre
  • Write down 2 'facts' from each document.
  • Who is the author, the audience.  What is  the point of view of the author?
  • Were the 'facts' in the above documents influenced by the author's point of view or the intended audience?  In what ways?
    • This is a point on a DBQ!!!
  • APUSH Road to the Revolution.pdf



HWL:  Complete Workbook for Chapter 6; A  B  D  G.  And,  Part III.  You will discuss in class.



7 Years War:  Borders and Boundaries

Look at all the maps in Chapter 6.  Describe the changes and the reasons behind these changes.  Create your own map that blends the maps and describes the

alterations in territories for the French and English; include dates treaties, etc.

Take the online practice test for Chapter 5 and 6.  Write down your score.  Be honest or retake for a better score!!!  Its an interesting challenge.  PS:  I did not ace the tests!!

We will have a test on Friday for Ch 5 and 6.  If you want to get ready, answer the questions in the Workbook ABDF in Ch 6;  you already completed 5




HW:  Duel for N. America:  Read Chapter 6

The Seven YEars War/French and Indian War sets the stage for American Revolution

Key Issues:  France and the SEven YEars War

G. Washington defends the 'rights' and claims of Virginians; Fort Necessity

Significance of the intercolonial Congress of Albany; Join or Die

Treaty of Paris

Proclamation of 1763

Conflicts and Resentment

Watch Video:  Proclamation of 1763

jGo to Gilder Lehrman, Period 3; Read the Following Documents

The State of the English Colonies, Maryland Gazette, 1755

1. Importance o the Colonies to England

2. Proclamation of 1763

3. Land Purchased from the Six Nations, 1769

Read each document; analyze using APPARTS;  What is the point of view of the author?  This is a requirement on the 7 point Rubric.  Explain how this document add to your understanding of one of the events in the chapter.  Be prepared to share your responses.




Add to your notes in a different color so I can see this!!!

Now,  WAtch the first 15 minutes, and the last 15 minutes of the Trial of Peter Zenger (1951) !

CH. 5 Workbook Complete A,B,D, F, H (map mastery),

Answer: APPLYING  1 and 5




Read and take notes on Chapter 5-- Include these issues in your notes.

Mingling of the Races
Characterize the ethnic makeup  of the colonies.
What were their particular strengths or weaknesses? What special concerns?
How were the Paxton Boys similar to those in Bacon's Rebellion?
Explain Stratification. Connect this with similar issues in 2016 (Think the 1%)
Triangular Trade—
Molasses Act/resistance—
Great Awakening---Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield
Peter Zenger Case/ freedom of the press----
Royal Governors
Conflict and consensus in America: foretelling the future.



Molasses Act/resistance—foretelling the future conflicts
Great Awakening---Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield
Peter Zenger Case/ freedom of the press----relevance to freedom of the press and Complete SAY MEAN MATTER for each of the above.  We will discuss on Friday.

Read File Below on Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God; List the key points of the sermon.  What was the purpose of this sermon?

Read Below:  The Trial of Peter Zenger


In what ways was this trial important to the revolution, the constitution, issues of a fair trial (Bill of Rights) and the balance of powers?

  • The Trial of John Peter Zenger.docx
  • Sinner in the Hands.docx



My error.  You were right!!!  I miscalculated....I had a total possible score of 150 rather than 100 posted for your notebook.  So you can be assured that your average is most likely a full grade higher!  Good News!!

DBQ on the Northern and Southern Colonies is due tomorrow.  Make sure to FOLLOW THE RUBRIC.   And, use the outline I provided!!  This will help you

get a higher score.



HW:  WATCH:  8 pm  Presidential Commander In Chief Interviews
Trump v. Clinton
List the 5 Issues each are questioned  about….what are their responses?

What themes might be relevant to a question about 2016 on an AP exam? Continuity and change, peopling, power and politics, America in the world, synthesis.

How might you use problems and policy issues to do a comparison with another period?  "Periodization"....or develop "Synthesis" in an essay.




Ch. 2,3,4

The questions will be from the multiple choice from the workbook;  ch 2,3,4


dbqoutline2.png dbq outline1.png


Outlining a DBQ essay.  Use the attached outlines to organize your ideas and evidence.  See below.

Differences between Northern and Southern Development.....  Go to the AP College Board.  AP US History.

THe DBQ assignment is on the AP College Board website at:

1. Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. (NORTH and SOUTHERN Colonies)  Why did this

difference in development occur?  What differences were evident in the primary source documents.  Make a T CHART of info about the North and South as you


This includes the prompt and the documents

Get out your DBQ RUBRIC and consider including these elements in your outline..


1.  Group the documents (as least by north and south!)

2.  Write outside information you know that will provide context for the information in the document.

3.  main idea

4.  significance of this idea (to answering the prompt).

Write outline or the essay itself if you prefer.  Remember to revise your thesis

statement into one that shows the ability to 'analyze and synthesize' information not just organize and repeat the main ideas of the documents.

5 REMEMBER: Documents do not write an essay!!  Dont start a paragraph with the Document reference.  The documents support your Topic Sentence and the topic sentence must support your THESIS!!  See attached outlines. Write out the outline in sentences.


Bring completed Tuesday.  Remember to sign up on the Turnitin site in my classroom Tuesday.  You will submit your final draft on Turnitin.

PLEASE NOTE:  we will have a multiple choice next week on Chapter 1-2.  and  Chapter 3-4.  Study your workbook questions!!



 Bring your 3 ring binder notebook on Tuesday.  I will review for grading.

It should contain:

  1. 1 pager cover for period 1 and 2.  Follow directions from previous assignment. (It should be detailed; colorful; memorable)
  2. All notes.  Chapter 1-4.
  3. All Homework.  Complete all work for full credit.  There have been 12 assignments.
  4. Pocket for important APUSH Documents
  5. In Chronological order.

PLEASE NOTE:  we will have a multiple choice next week on Chapter 1-2.  and  Chapter 3-4.  Study your workbook questions!!



Student Leaders for workbook questions:

Read, research, and provide answer for your question.  Then, develop a guide to create a discussion around this question.

  1. Choose and Read your question:

Explain the meaning of the question. Discuss the important aspects of the questions as if it were a prompt!  What is it asking you to do?

  1. Listeners: Check your answer in your notebook;
  2. Leaders answer the question:  WHo, what, when, where, why, how?
  3. then….Students can Agree or disagree.  .
  4. Why is it important to know this in the context of this period (per 2) ?

When finished, the student leaders who led the discussion get the LAST WORD.

Complete Reading Chapter 4. Finish your notes. Annotate your notes using Gilder Lehrman website>>>>Use period 2 Timeline.  Select one primary source document that would enhance your understanding of any of the important stories in period 2. Analyze the content:  Analyze the document using APPARTS.  I will ck this work!



  • HW: Read Ch. 5 pp. 84-97  Take your notes!
  • apushreview: This is an excellent resource for visual learning and review.
  • It includes a video for each chapter of American Pageant as well as quizlet.
  • Bookmark this website!!!
  • It is as important as Gilder Lehrman.  Together they support your reading.
  • Watch apushreview below: Video 2, 3 and annotate your notes from video on  Chapter 3 and 4



Read Chapter 4 and take notes (you started in class)

Big topics:  Tobacco economy, Bacon's Rebellion, Slavery, Salem Witch Trials

List the differences between Southern and New England towns/colonies.

Answer A and B

Applying on p. 35  Q. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8



You will turn in two DBQ essays.  No late work.  Typed of course.



Due Monday:  open attached file and complete questions for PARt 1 on GUNS GERMS AND STEEL.

Due Tuesday:  complete questions for PART 2.

  • GunsGermsSteel-2.doc



Complete Chapter 3 Read 55-60;  pay attention to New Amsterdam and the Quakers in Pennsylvania; religious practices; values; etc.

Complete notes.

Go to Gilder Lehrman. Listen to introductory video on Per 2.  Very important preview.  7 min.  God Glory Gold.

Look at the Period 2 Timeline. Look at the big events in this period.  Watch:  How did slavery begin in America (2 min)  and add to your notes.

Complete your rewrite DBQ tonight!!!  Don't Procrastinate !!

Review the attached DBQ organizer and use for your rewrite.

and for your next DBQ on King Philips War.

  • dbqorganizer.docx



REad chapter 3.  p. 43-55  skip 50-51

Take notes; do not print out from online source

Answer A and B in Workbook

Answer the following on p. 27  Applying what you learned.

2,  4,  6.



Rewrite your intro and thesis from your DBQ.  Remember you will be rewriting this for Friday.

Read Chapter 2.  Take notes.  Use bullet points or outline format. Remember, these two chapters are only 5% of the exam.  Look for the Big Ideas, etc.

Answer A and B from your workbook

Review the Timeline on Gilder Lehrman website.  Read each frame. Pay special attention to African Slave Trade and Religious conflicts.  Watch videos on Atlantic

Slave Trade and Gold, Gospel, Glory.  Add information that is OUTSIDE the knowledge in the text book.

What themes are reflected in Chapter 1 and 2.  List the Themes and list the events or ideas associated with those themes.  (see attached BAGPIPES doc)

Create a ONE PAGER for  Chapter 1 and 2 combined (Period 1 of 9 Periods in APUSH) (see attached file).

  • one pager.docx
  • APUSH-Themes-BAGPIPES.pdf



REad Chapter 1. American Pageant

Take notes:

  • Address big ideas about Indian cultures
  • Developments what led to Columbus (context)
  • Changes due to the Columbian Exchange, etc.
  • Spanish Conquest of Mexico and South America; colonization
  • Answer A, B in your workbook p. 3-4

Write on your computer.  Do not hand write!

Dbq essay.  First Draft. See file below for explanation of historical writing.

5 paragraph essay.  See your DBQ Rubric and complete required points to score high.


Start with a Clearly Stated Thesis

  • Some good essay writers begin with a thesis statement, back it up with supporting evidence from documents and outside knowledge, and, if time permits, restate the thesis at the end. Other writers analyze the material and build up logically to their thesis statement. On an AP Exam, you should use whichever method you feel most comfortable with.
  • Organize Your Response Carefully
  • In addition to having a strong thesis, it is a good idea to have a guiding organizational principle — a stated agenda for making your point. Try to integrate your outside information into your response.
  • Make Sure Thesis Matches Assessment & Knowledge
  • Many good essay writers  support a clear, simple thesis that you can support.  Almost every essay — including the DBQ — is designed to allow the student to agree or disagree with the statement.
  • Build an Argument
  • The best essays — in terms of arguing their case — are those that marshal the positive arguments in favor of their position but that also refute or answer possible rival theses. Even if you think a statement is completely true, it is better to confront and negate the evidence that seems to refute it than to ignore the counterevidence completely.
  • Integrate the Documents and Your Analysis
  • Don't merely explain what is stated in the documents. …make it a part of an integrated essay in support of your thesis.
  • Don't Quote Large Portions of the Documents
  • You can quote a short passage or two if necessary, to make your point, but don't waste time or space reciting them
  • Synthesis--doing this well means an additional point!  (see comments on the rubric)
  • historicalthinkingwritingskills.docx



Complete Columbian Exchange DBQ reading and questions for each document (see attached file)

See Gilder Lehrman website

go to per 1 timeline

Read and listen:  Doctrine of Discovery; Encomienda System

Complete :  SAY MEAN MATTER; support with a quote from the excerpt

  • columbianexchangedbqppt.ppt



Attached below is the proper Columbian Exchange document!!!  Use this!

You will begin to organize your argument for this DBQ.  Tonight you will write

out 3 different thesis statements.  Be prepared to share.  A thesis is not a restatement of the question.  Choose one to support in an argument.

Choose the 6 documents you will use, and, list the information in each you will use as evidence for you claim/thesis.  Finally, 'source' the 6 documents.  This

will prepare you to write your first DBQ essay this weekend.

  • Thesis :  Write a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and responds to all parts of the question. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either in the introduction or the conclusion.
  • Argument Development: Develop and support a cohesive argument that recognizes and accounts for historical complexity by explicitly illustrating relationships among historical evidence such as contradiction, comparison, corroboration, and/or qualification.
  • Use of the Documents : Utilize the content of at least six of the documents to support the stated thesis or a relevant argument. Must be explicit. Must use the information in their essay. Each doc must be analyzed; support thesis---or no point. Or do all 7 to insure the 6.
  • Sourcing the Documents: Explain the significance of the author's

point of view, author's purpose, historical context, and/or audience for at least four documents.   May be one sentence.  Reliability of the information as an historian and incorporate into the essay

  • DBQ-Score Sheet 2015.pdf
  • columbian_exchange_dbq(1).pdf



This will be the new page for finding ALL THING APUSH!!  Course information, documents, syllabus, assignments, test information, web resources and links, etc.

I will further develop this page in the coming week.  Stay Tuned!

Ap Us History Enduring Vision Edition 7 Chapter 24 Quizlet
